Personalization and A/B Testing Made Easy for Contentful. Inside Contentful

Increase conversions and drive more revenue by creating personalized experiences and experiments inside Contentful with Ninetailed - all without depending on developers.

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Key Results Marketers Achieve with Ninetailed

Higher Conversion Rates
Higher CTRs
Minutes to Personalize

With Ninetailed, Everything You Need to Generate More Revenue Is Inside Your Content Management System

  • Define

    Easily define audiences inside your CMS with any customer data you have and learn how they interact with content components

  • Create

    Create personalized experiences and experiments without depending on developers, just like adding a new content entry

  • Analyze

    Understand the effectiveness of your personalized experiences and the results of your experiments

  • Optimize

    Optimize your revenue generation by constantly refining the personalized experiences and tests

A/B Testing for Contentful

Test Any Content on Your Website to Eliminate the Guesswork

Get more out of your content. Stop wasting time and money on things that don't work. Spend more time on the things that do work by making data-driven decisions with experiments

  • Get More Conversions from the Same Traffic with Experiments

    Understand what works and increase conversion rates and grow your revenue by doing tests — even for personalized experiences

  • Empower Your Team to Easily Design Experiments within the CMS, in a No-Code Environment

    Create A/B tests and experiments inside the CMS without depending on developers and enjoy having fast time to value

"Our content editors can run A/B tests whenever they’d like and build pages based on those findings. Overall, the load on the engineering team is much smaller, and we get a lot of satisfaction seeing how these new capabilities change our ways of working."

Ace & Tate Icon
Sheri Kruzel, Head of Digital Product at Ace & Tate
A/B Testing Illustration
Personalization for Contentful

Increase Conversions and Drive More Revenue with Personalized Experiences

Quickly and easily add personalized experiences to your website. Increase your revenue by start showing the right experience to the right person

  • Create Personalized Experiences without Breaking Your Content Workflow

    Create personalized experiences inside your CMS workflow without depending on developers and enjoy fast time to value

  • Personalize without Compromising Privacy

    With Ninetailed, you can easily leverage the zero- and first-party customer data you have for personalized experiences


"Ninetailed enabled Ruggable to create experiences in under an hour - down from one day for a simple message personalization and two days for a promo banner personalization."

Ruggable Icon
Dylan Feiner
Sr. Product Manager at Ruggable
Segmentation for Contentful

Fuel More ROI from Your Customer Data with Segmentation Inside Contentful

Define custom audience segments inside Contentful with Ninetailed to personalize and experiment with your content

  • Easy Customer Segmentation. All Inside Your CMS

    You can create your audience segments inside your CMS, just like you're creating a title for your blog post

  • Enrich Your Customer Segments by Connecting Ninetailed to Your Data Sources

    Connect Ninetailed to Salesforce, Segment, Klaviyo, CDP, CRM, and other data sources to leverage your data

Ninetailed Audience Segmentation
Insights for Contentstack

Turn Your Data Into Revenue by Optimizing Experiences with Insights

Bridge the gap between personalized experiencesexperiments, content components, and experience results for optimized experiences to boost your revenue with Ninetailed

  • Measure What Matters: Analyze the Conversion Uplift and Revenue Growth from Your Experiences

    Evaluate how your experiences translate into real-world results to optimize your strategies and achieve your business goals

"Ninetailed Insights has opened up a whole new world of data for us. It acts like a magnifying glass on our content, allowing us to delve deeper into personalization and experience performance analysis. We're making smarter decisions and better serving our customers as a result."

Ruggable Icon
Daniel Graupensperger, Associate Director, Product Management at Ruggable
Experience Variant Comparison Screenshot

Keep Reading on This Topic

How to Create a Personalized Landing Page for Display and Social Ads
Increase Your Conversions with Personalization Based on Paid Campaigns

This playbook is a comprehensive guide to leveraging personalization to tailor your landing pages for message matching in your paid campaigns.

4 Benefits of Headless A/B Testing [with Examples from Ace & Tate]
Blog Posts
How Ace & Tate Is Continuously Increasing Its CTRs [with Real-Life A/B Test Examples]

In this post, we’ll explore four benefits of using Ninetailed and Contentful together for composable A/B testing and experimentation.

Contentful Demo

Ready to See Ninetailed in Action?

Get in touch to have a personalized demo to see how Ninetailed Personalization and Experimentation seamlessly work in Contentful!