Test Any Content to Drive More Conversions

Elevate your conversion rates by embracing experimentation and data-backed insights for your content decisions

Experimentation (Core Capabilities)

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Key Results Marketers Achieve with Ninetailed

Higher Conversion Rates
Higher CTRs
Minutes to Personalize

With Ninetailed, Everything You Need to Generate More Revenue Is Inside Your Content Management System

  • Define

    Easily define audiences inside your CMS with any customer data you have and learn how they interact with content components

  • Create

    Create personalized experiences and experiments without depending on developers, just like adding a new content entry

  • Analyze

    Understand the effectiveness of your personalized experiences and the results of your experiments

  • Optimize

    Optimize your revenue generation by constantly refining the personalized experiences and tests

AI Suggestions

Continuously Optimize Your Conversions with AI-Native Personalization

AI Suggestions gives you the power to refine your audiences and high-value experiments with unparalleled precision

  • Discover and Segment High-Impact Audiences with Audience Suggestions

    Let Audience Suggestions create ready-to-use segments for your business goal by analyzing your data and content

  • AI-Powered Way to Experimentation

    Experience Suggestions are designed to understand visitor behavior, analyze insights, and provide experiments with AI

AI Suggestions (Core Capabilities)
A/B Testing

Test Any Content to Get More Conversions from the Same Traffic

Get more out of your content. Stop wasting time and money on things that don't work. Spend more time on the things that do work

  • Eliminate the Guesswork to Drive Higher Conversion Rates

    Increase conversion rates and grow your revenue by understanding what works — even for personalized experiences

  • Empower Your Team to Easily Design Experiments within the CMS, in a No-Code Environment

    Create A/B tests and experiments inside the CMS without depending on developers and enjoy having fast time to value

Data processing

Leveraging AI for Smart Traffic Distribution: Multi-Armed Bandit

Unlike traditional methods, which divide resources equally regardless of outcome, Multi-Armed Bandit continuously adjusts its strategy to favor the most effective options. This smart allocation leads to more efficient and effective experimentation, optimizing every interaction with your audience.

Multi-Armed Bandit Illustration

"Our content editors can run A/B tests whenever they’d like and build pages based on those findings. Overall, the load on the engineering team is much smaller, and we get a lot of satisfaction seeing how these new capabilities change our ways of working."

Ace & Tate Icon
Sheri Kruzel
Head of Digital Product at Ace & Tate

Experiment in Minutes. Not Weeks.

  • Create Experiments without Breaking Your Content Workflow

    Create experiments inside your content management system without depending on developers

  • Increased Testing Velocity

    Stay ahead by continuously experimenting, refining, and optimizing experiences

  • A/B Testing Meets Performance

    Find the best version of your content without sacrificing performance and without flickering

  • Short Time to Market

    You can integrate Ninetailed in minutes with SDKs and plugins for major frameworks, such as Next, React, Gatsby, and Node

  • Fast Time to Value

    Ninetailed is easy to use, enabling you to create experiments and personalized experiences in less than 30 minutes

  • Connection with 'Any' Customer Data, Content Source, and Analytics Solution

    Ninetailed offers the flexibility of connections with your existing tools, eliminating workflow, data, and content silos

  • Compliant and Certified

    Ninetailed's highly secure platform is SOC 2 Type 2 certified, ensuring enterprise readiness, data security, and privacy

  • Tests on a Component Level

    Get results faster by testing multiple components at the same time


Turn Data Into Revenue by Optimizing Personalization with Insights

Bridge the gap between audience segments, content components, and personalized experiences to better inform your next move

  • Measure What Matters: Analyze the Conversion Uplift and Revenue Growth from Your Experiences

    Evaluate how your experiences translate into real-world results to optimize your strategies and achieve your business goals

  • Uncover the Insights of Your Audience Segments and Their Interactions with Content

    Understand all of your audience segments for personalized experiences that resonate

  • Have an In-Depth Look Into How Individual Content Components Are Performing

    Identify the highest-impact content components for personalized experiences

Insights (Core Capabilities)

Empower Every Team in Your Company with Ninetailed

Team Work

Keep Reading on This Topic

A Step-by-Step Experimentation Guide for Contentful
A Step-by-Step Experimentation Guide for Contentful

This guide dives into the details of A/B testing inside Contentful, illustrating how to increase conversions through a successful experimentation strategy.

4 Benefits of Headless A/B Testing [with Examples from Ace & Tate]
Blog Posts
How Ace & Tate Is Continuously Increasing Its CTRs [with Real-Life A/B Test Examples]

In this post, we’ll explore four benefits of using Ninetailed and Contentful together for composable A/B testing and experimentation.

Ready to Uplift Your Conversions with AI-Native Personalized Experiences? In Minutes

Get in touch to find out how Ninetailed's AI-Native Personalization Platform helps you generate more ROI from your content and data investments by working seamlessly within your workflow